Today we shall talk about the working of a lab hot air oven which is done by using the forced circulation of hot air inside the chamber of oven. As it is a proven scientific theory that in any given enclosure the hot air rises above the cold air, So by utilising this principle when the hot air reaches the top of chamber it is circulated back to bottom by a fan installed inside the chamber and hence optimum amount of heat is achieved gradually inside the hot air oven.
The sterilisation cycle of the oven for two hours at a temperature of 180 Degree Celsius, the articles are allowed to remain inside the chamber, till the temperature drops down to 40 Degree Celsius. Then the articles are considered sterilised and are taken out of the oven.
The principle of operation of a hot air oven is based on the theory of air convection inside an electrically heated chamber. The double wall design of the Oven body and a digital p.i.d temperature control and display unit ensure a constant temperature profile in the chamber, precise operation of predetermined processes and short recovery time (return to the preset temperature) after door opening. This range of ovens is highly economical in operation and easy to use. It is
suitable for simple process of drying and heating of common materials.
The units work noiseless.